HTC Desire V Manual User Guide

HTC Desire V manual - If you are the owner of HTC Desire V, you can find HTC Desire V manual link download in this website beside you can get it also in HTC website . Desire V guide contains about information that formatted in pdf which have 171 pages and size 3.13 mb. With this HTC Desire V PDF , you will be guided to operate your smart phone. There are so many information you can find in this pdf that you can read in your device if it has pdf application or you can read on your PC by using PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Some of this pdf information is talking about how to configure or use your mobile phone. it is such as Switching the power on or off, Setting up HTC Desire V for the first time, Getting photos, videos, and music on or off HTC Desire V, Updating the HTC Desire V software, Rearranging or removing widgets and icons on your Home screen, Rearranging or removing widgets and icons on your Home screen, troubleshooting and other information. You have download it here if you want to get full information.

In HTC Desire V User manual you will find some chapter in table content. We will give you the table content below.

  1. Unboxing
  2. Your first week with your new phone
  3. Camera
  4. Personalizing
  5. Phone calls
  6. Messages
  7. Search and Web browser
  8. Photos, videos, and music
  9. Accounts and sync
  10. People
  11. Social
  12. Email
  13. Calendar
  14. Online storage and services
  15. HTC Car
  16. Travel and maps
  17. Essential apps
  18. Google Play and other apps
  19. Your phone and computer
  20. Internet connections
  21. Bluetooth
  22. Settings and security
  23. Other essentials
  24. Trademarks and copyrights
  25. Index
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