Sony Xperia Neo L Manual User Guide

Sony Xperia Neo L Manual - We will share you any information about Sony Xperia Neo L manual or user guide and also the download link, absolutely you can download it here. However Sony Xperia Neo L or Sony Tapioca comes from Sony website, we want to help you for sharing this to you in this blog. Xperia Neo L user guide comes with pdf file format with 122 pages and 5.33 mb size of weight. You will find information about instruction guide in this pdf ebook such as access and use application, keyboard and phonepad settings, customize your phone, share your contacts, timescape widget, before download content, rent or buy a video and many more that you can read here.
In Sony Xperia Neo L User manual you will find some chapter in table content. We will give you the table content below.

  1. Important Information
  2. Android - What and Why
  3. Getting started
  4. Getting to know your phone
  5. Calling
  6. Contacts
  7. Messaging
  8. Email
  9. Getting started with Google Play
  10. Getting organised
  11. Scanning with the NeoReader application
  12. Synchronising data on your phone
  13. Connecting to wireless networks
  14. Web browser
  15. Music
  16. Taking photos and recording videos
  17. Bluetooth Wireless Technology
  18. Connecting your phone to a computer
  19. Using location services to find your position
  20. Backing up and restoring
  21. Locking and protecting your phone
  22. Updating your phone
  23. Troubleshooting
  24. Legal information
  25. Index

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